Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Mount Calvary Primitive Baptist Association October 2009

Here is an example of singing in an African American (Primitive) Baptist Church without the aid of musical instruments. I am in no wise endorsing the song itself, but the a cappella style.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

What if the Hammond Organ was Removed from African American Churches?

I'm back. It's been a long couple of months in which I have had no time to blog. This one will be short. As I watch church services on the internet, I often wonder what would African American churches be like without musical instruments? This is no question without a glimpse. There are Primitive Baptist churches predominately in the Southeast that have historically worship without musical instruments. Why? Tradition? Well, yes and no. No, in that it is not because of a man-made tradition. Yes, because of apostolic/biblical tradition. Primitive Baptists as did other Baptists in history argued that there is no NT warrant for the use of musical instruments in NT worship. That's it.

Is pure worship replete with organs, pianos, keyboards, drums, etc.? No. We have added what delights us rather than what delights God.